Understanding the far-right in Aotearoa NZ

This website is a home for a zine series analysing fascist influences in Aotearoa. The zines were collaboratively written by an anonymous community of researchers, activists, and community members. Our goal is to raise awareness of dangerous threats in Aotearoa from the far-right and help to decode their propaganda.

The first zine we wrote was entitled: “Understanding the Far-Right in Aotearoa New Zealand”

[cover of zine contains title, description of content re people protecting their communties, cw about expicit discussion of fascism, and a bee hive drawing saying “all we have is each other. mutual aid”]

You can find it here:

Our newest zine is called: “Far-Right Actors in Aotearoa New Zealand Anti-COVID Protections Protests

cover of zine with femme sillouhette walking away from city and drawing of woman w torch and antifascist symbols in forest
front and back cover of zine (see alt text for detail)

You can find it here:

We are also grateful to the work of Paparoa and host their “Cookers and Nazis” series of posters here:

descriptions and pictures of baddies
descriptions and pictures of baddies